Certification of Products

[ FreeSoftwareCertificationProject / CertificationOfProducts ]

By consumer products, is meant all those digital devices for which at least one component is software. For example: digital cameras, routers, audio players, computers, printers, etc.


  • help the citizens enlightened on the question of software freedom to buy digital gadgets which conform to their values and principles
  • indirectly, to show hardware makers that there are citizens who desire free digital devices to go with their free personal computers


When is a digital device certifiable? Essentially when it is possible to use it in all its functions 1) without requiring non-free software and 2) doing so while enjoying the same after sale service and the same guarantee of the manufacturer as do the other consumers of the same product.


How to check the conformity of the product? By requiring the source code, by compiling it independently, and by substituting the binary thus obtained to that which came pre-installed on the device. If the device is fully functional, then it is usable without recourse to non-free software.

Draft Standard

Draft International Standard Concerning Products (September 7, 2008)
